Diet Products for Weight Loss: How to Choose the Healthiest and Delicious

Many of us, at the expense of our own health, have proven that running out of fast food doesn't have the desired effect, and the effect is short-lived. At the same time, fasting has an extremely negative impact on our physical state and causes great harm to the body. It has long been known that to lose weight effectively, you need to eat. Dietary foods help to speed up the metabolic process, ensure the proper functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, fill the body with nutrients and vitamins, and maintain water balance.

Key principles of proper nutrition

Waist slimming products

How do you eat to get the most out of this process for your body? Proper nutrition is one of the fundamental principles of a healthy lifestyle. What and how we eat not only affects our weight, but also our overall health. According to the needs pyramid of humanistic psychology founder Abraham Maslow, the first step is physiological needs, one of which is nutrition.

Food should meet the body's needs for essential energy, regulate the operation of all its systems and processes, and promote cell regeneration, thus guaranteeing the normal functioning of organs and tissues.

Let's look at the basic principles of proper nutrition, including those that promote weight loss:

  • It should be diverse and balanced. This method of compiling a menu not only fills your body with all the necessary substances and elements, it also makes the eating process enjoyable because you don't have to eat the same food every day.
  • Divide your personal diet into several meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, supplemented with snacks.
  • Eat only fresh food. Even with proper storage, they lose useful properties.
  • A list of dietary products for weight loss must include fresh vegetables and fruits that contain fiber that boosts metabolism and aids the digestive tract. And the vitamins and minerals present in it can improve the absorption of food and boost immunity.
  • The right combination of products. You need to know which foods not to mix, as this could threaten toxins and toxin buildup.
  • It is useful to change the diet according to the season. Winter menus should include foods that contain fat and protein, and summer menus should be vegetable-based.
  • The optimal number of calories to burn per day. It is because of their imbalance that we most often gain extra pounds.

The location of liquids in proper nutrition

drink water to lose weight

The main element for proper nutrition is water. In order to properly saturate the body's cells with water, at least 1. 5 liters of fluids need to be consumed per day. In this case, it is better to drink pure water.

There is no consensus on whether tea, coffee and other beverages are included in the recommended price. Some argue that drinking only pure water is a marketing ploy to increase sales of bottled water. Opponents of this view point to the fact that both tea and coffee are diuretic beverages, that is, they simply promote the excretion of fluids, rather than accumulation. We still recommend taking tea for granted as a liquid, but plain water is the main source of saturating the body. It's best to keep coffee out of your diet - this product is not included in the list of products that are good for your health.

Drink 200ml of purified water on an empty stomach, there is no time reference during the day, mainly from the daily required amount.

diet products for weight loss

foods high in protein

protein foods for weight loss

The main product in this group that helps with weight correction is fish. It contains omega-3 and 6, phosphorus, iodine, fluorine, vitamins A, B and E.

According to the fat content, fish are divided into:

  • Fat variety (fat amount from %). 100 grams contains 110-200 calories. This category includes sturgeon, mackerel, halibut, eel, and more.
  • Moderate fat content (from 4% to 8%). Calorie content - 100-145 kcal per 100 grams. Representatives of this category - perch, carp, pink salmon, trout, etc.
  • Low-fat varieties (no more than %) are 75-100 kcal. This category includes cod, bass, pike, snapper, and more.

If you look at your body shape, it is better to choose low-fat varieties that are suitable for dietary nutrition. In this case, it is necessary to exclude smoked and fried fish from the diet. This product is best baked in a grill, double boiler or oven. It's important to remember that everything is in moderation: eating fish more than four times a week is not recommended. Excessive amounts of trace elements and vitamins can also be harmful to health, as well as their deficiencies.

Additionally, turkey and chicken can be attributed to protein products. They have more protein than pork but far fewer calories and fat. The useful substances present in poultry meat stimulate the metabolism of adipose tissue and help to cleanse the liver. The high protein content in chicken and turkey is a good support for muscle building.

The best diet list for weight loss is egg supplementation. They have the protein content our body can fully absorb and 12 vitamins including B, D, E. Despite its low calorie content (70 to 80 calories in one hard-boiled egg), this product satisfies hunger perfectly.

milk and dairy products

dairy products for weight loss

This group of dietary products is characterized by the presence of calcium and phosphorus, which are important for the overall functioning of the body. Dairy products also contain adequate amounts of protein. Regular consumption of milk-based products helps activate metabolic processes.

There is an opinion that when it comes to losing weight, you have to eat only yogurt and low-fat dairy products. But this view may be considered false, because milk fat contains linoleic acid, which boosts energy production and does not allow fat to accumulate in the body. In terms of linoleic acid content, "milk" is second only to vegetable oils. Meanwhile, milk and its derivatives have far fewer calories. Another important element that makes this product useful is calcium.

It's worth remembering that excess linoleic acid can still cause weight gain, while excess protein in the body can lead to calcium loss. Therefore, you should not abuse products that are high in these ingredients.

The most popular dairy product for weight loss is kefir. This slimming drink contains microorganisms that positively influence gut function and stimulate metabolic processes. It quenches thirst and hunger well and can be used as a safe and mild laxative, which is important when losing weight.

No meal product list is complete without a more or less complete list of cheeses, which contain easily digestible calcium and protein to get you off your hunger pangs quickly and permanently. This delicious dish is even safe to eat at bedtime. Cheese is suitable for people with lactose intolerance because it contains small amounts of this substance. This product is great for garnishing dishes, handy as a snack garnish and for preparing desserts that can be enjoyed while losing weight.

Soft varieties of cheese are useful and safe for the body - Adyghe, Feta, Ricotta, Mozzarella. They are low in calories and contain a variety of vitamins.


cereals for weight loss

Another favorite for people struggling with weight gain is grains. They are low in calories, high in nutritional value, and due to their high fiber content, they are perfect for removing toxins. Each grain has special ingredients and different taste qualities, allowing you to diversify your menu in the presence of dietary restrictions. Recipes for slimming diet products include dishes cooked on water.

Let's get familiar with the types of grains and their properties:

  • wheat.Lowest calorie cereal. Prevent fat deposits. Great for high cholesterol and digestive issues. It is useful when taking antibiotics because it stimulates their excretion from the body. With the frequent use of dishes including wheat nibs, the aging process of cells and tissues is slowed down, and the condition of nails and hair improves, so it is not only important for weight loss.
  • barley.Barley is characterized by a high fiber content. It helps to cleanse the body and accelerate lipid metabolism. Barley-based dishes are not allergenic.
  • Buckwheat.Another popular product that is part of many diets. Buckwheat contains iron and a small amount of fat. It is digested for a long time, so after eating its dishes, you will feel hungry for a long time.
  • oatmeal.Fiber, calcium, zinc, iron, phosphorus and amino acids - that's what this wonderful dietary product can boast. Oatmeal helps to improve the complexion and relieve many skin problems, having a beneficial effect on its condition. Another benefit of losing weight is the powerful cleansing effect.


nuts for weight loss

Nuts are quite high in calories. At the same time, they are great for snacking between meals: they satisfy hunger quickly, take up little space, allow you to take them with you to work or for a walk, provide rejuvenation and activate metabolic processes. Therefore, you should not give up eating a few nuts a day when trying to lose weight.

In order not to hurt the body and keep a slim figure, you can eat in one day:

  • 10-12 peanuts;
  • 50 grams of pine nuts;
  • 20-22 almonds;
  • 2 walnuts.

Vegetables and Vegetables

Vegetables and Herbs for Weight Loss

Rich in fiber, different groups of vitamins and trace elements. Non-starchy vegetables are very low in calories, so there are health benefits to eating them without worrying about your body.

In order for the body to fully absorb the energy of the necessary elements, which is especially important when losing weight, you need to eat about 1-1. 5 kg of vegetables per day. These can be different products, and they must be eaten without the added sauce. Olive oil, nonfat sour cream, or apple cider vinegar are good dressings for vegetable dishes.

When losing weight, the best help:


Supplier of Potassium, Beta-Carotene, Lecithin, Vitamins A and C. Carrots increase hemoglobin in the blood, speed up metabolism and are useful for vision problems.


Water is the main ingredient of cucumbers. They are almost fat free. Its composition contains a lot of organic compounds, which are very beneficial to health. These vegetables help remove cholesterol and improve gastric motility. These vegetables are characterized by high amounts of elements such as iodine and potassium that are important to our health. For maximum benefit, it's best not to limit yourself to this wonderful low-calorie product during the summer months.


Contains essential oils, as well as zinc, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and a full vitamin cocktail. Regular consumption of this vegetable helps to cleanse the body, renew cells, remove excess water, saturate energy, and stimulate the function of the gastrointestinal tract. A particularly pleasant effect of taking this product is burning extra calories.

When losing weight, nutritionists recommend taking 50 grams of celery juice in the morning, noon and evening. You can add a little apple, cabbage or carrot juice to the drink.


A valuable product recommended by doctors as a preventive measure against neoplastic diseases to maintain the normal function of the heart and blood vessels. Tomatoes contain a special substance, lycopene, which is good for the digestive organs, activates the process of breaking down fat and lowers cholesterol levels.


Contains tartaric acid. Its use can stop the formation of body fat, which can aid in weight loss. No matter what type of cabbage you prefer - bok choy, broccoli or cauliflower - this dietary product can be taken as you please without worry. There are many recipes that use vegetables, and all dishes based on it are low-calorie and healthy.


This product contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and folic acid.

Asparagus will help get rid of the following problems:

  1. cellulite;
  2. obesity;
  3. excess fluid;
  4. presence of toxins.

Bell Pepper

Its use will help to lose a few pounds in a week. This vegetable contains vitamins A, B, C, E and P, lycopene, and anthocyanins. Bell peppers are a very satisfying product, so you can reduce the portion size of dishes prepared with them.


It is very useful due to the content of sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium and potassium and the overall complex of vitamins and minerals. Radishes prevent fat deposits, normalize glucose and hemoglobin levels, and improve digestion.

As a weight loss product, vegetables can be eaten raw, cooked or roasted. Grilled vegetables are also healthy and delicious. Plus, fresh vegetables make wonderful juices.

Berries and Fruits

Fruits and Berries for Weight Loss

Rich in fiber and a group of solid trace elements and vitamins. Their use activates metabolism, stimulates the excretion of toxins and improves the function of all body systems. They contain very few calories, which is why they are loved by all who monitor their appearance and health.

Let's see how the most popular reps in this group of diet products can be useful.


Rich in pectin, folic acid, vitamin C. Contributes to the formation of normal intestinal flora and accelerates metabolism.

a pineapple

It is popular for weight loss due to the presence of a special enzyme - bromelain. Although contrary to what many people believe, this substance does not promote the breakdown of fats, but it helps in weight loss by actively participating in the digestive process. Bromelain is most effective in dairy, soy, meat and fish.


Accelerates metabolic processes, especially stimulates the removal of fat from the body. Effectively fights excess fluid in cells and tissues.

Dietary Nutrition Characteristics

Useful and Harmful Weight Loss Products

If you're planning to start a diet to lose weight, check out these important guidelines:

  1. No need to count calories in food. No matter how odd it may seem, this metric does not significantly affect the effectiveness of the diet (only if we're not talking about sports nutrition). More importantly, pay attention to the glycemic index.
  2. Any dietary product of your choice can be completely substituted, you just need to make sure the metric for the substitute is equal to the metric for the ingredient being replaced.
  3. If there are contraindications and allergic reactions to any product, it needs to be excluded from the diet.
  4. If you decide to lose weight, you will have to give up flour products and fried foods.
  5. Do not replace useful products with products with poor trace element content.

Diet nutrition during weight loss doesn't necessarily require you to make sacrifices in the form of giving up pleasurable foods. From products that promote weight loss, you can prepare not only healthy dishes, but also very tasty and varied dishes.